Encore II

Pragmatics is the prime contractor. Contract awarded in June 20078 with a $12.225 billion ceiling running through May 2018.

Contract Type

IDIQ performace-based aquisitions are preferred with FFP, T&M, CR allowable FASA requirement to compete for multiple-awards contracts.


Date Award

Customer Access

Minimum TO Amount


Points of Contact

FY End Ordering Cut-Off

Pragmatics Leads a First-Rate Team of Subcontractors

Statement of Work

The Pragmatics team has extensive experience and proven skills to provide you with the highest quality services in each of these task areas:

Ordering Procedures

Step 1: Customer submits Requirements Package to DISA/DITCO Contracting Officer (K0) in accordance with the Task Order Guidelines.

Step 2: KO requests cost and technical proposal from contractor(s).

Step 3: Customer and KO evaluate proposal(s) and make best value determination.

Step 4: KO awards TO winning vendor.


For more information please contact Mike Yocom (703) 890-8502 or yocomm@pragmatics.com

*Client security certificate required for access to client website.
